I recently attended a photography workshop run by the Über talented pairing of Brooke Shaden http://brookeshaden.com/ and Miss Anelia http://www.missaniela.com/.
They teach both practical and digital techniques to make it appear that people can float or levitate in shots , and since I have grasped this concept I have decided to work on a series of shots along this theme. I have been buying some costumes and masks on eBay and am currently story-boarding some ideas.
On Tuesday 22nd feb I was asked to explain and demonstrate these techniques to my fellow members of Aperture Woolwich Photographic Society http://www.woolwichphotographic.com/.
The room we use is ideal , with wood paneled walls and oak floors for that spooky old haunted house look! My daughter donned a very Victorian bridesmaid's dress that we got on ebay and spent the evening posing for members to take their shots in preparation to a follow-up digital workshop next week , when they will be shown some basic photoshop trickery to transform their images into something a little out of the ordinary by our resident Photoshop wizards Leigh and Marshall.
Welcome to the Blogosphere! And an excellent couple of shots to to kick things off with.